Gender and Media Connect

About us

Gender and Media Connect (GMC) is a legally registered advocacy and representative organisation formed in 1985; whose work is centered on gender and media policy advocacy, knowledge management and empowerment and advancement of women in and through the media.  GMC works to promote not only the rights of women and girls in media but also rights of women and girls in accessing media both as a source of information as well as platforms for free expression and help them attain the relevant gender skills to champion advocacy on issues affecting them using the media as a tool for socio- economic development and empowerment. GMC extends its reach by also targeting the often-marginalised women and girls in rural and peri urban communities whom we equip with digital skills with the aim of bridging the information gap.

GMC has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Parliament of Zimbabwe through the Zimbabwe Women Parliamentary Caucus which gives us seamless access to all the female parliamentarians from all the 10 provinces of Zimbabwe; whom we have been coaching on how to engage with media and be visible on alternative media platforms.  We also engage the expertise of our membership which mainly comprises both male and female journalists from both the mainstream, community media houses in Zimbabwe including some freelance journalists who write for international and the regional media and engage various online media organisations in who use various social media tools on alternative media platforms.

Why this Portal?

Women often face barriers to their effective participation in the electoral processes. Media stereotypes of women in politics contribute to the creation and support of a political culture that excludes them, undermining their actual political participation. The coverage of female parliamentary, local council and presidential candidates is very low from the mainstream media, online publications as well as private media institutions. This affects their ability to reach their constituencies and their ability to reach the electorate. In a number of cases when they are covered, they are given negative coverage hence there is a need to ensure that towards elections there is an election portal which the electorate can visit to get more information about female election candidates. 

As such Gender and Media Connect created this portal as a tool for journalists, legislators, electoral bodies and electorate to ensure there is diverse reliable timely and impartial content on Zimbabwe Election cycle.